
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hot Days in LA

Hollywood sign, viewed from the Griffith Observatory

Wow!!! It is almost unbearable out here in the Southland. Even the beaches are scorching hot!!! And you can't get anywhere because there are constant collisions on the freeways, due to people getting overly aggressive in the heat.

It is miserable.

Yeah, I understand that there are places in the world that are hotter. The people who have to live in such hellholes certainly have my sympathy. However, in the US, the "Sun Belt" cities are built with the expectation of infernal Summer heat; Los Angeles is not. Therefore, when the temperatures climb towards the triple digits with high humidity, the infrastructure is not there to help us adapt to it.

It is miserable.

"Los Angeles Is Burning" by Bad Religion


Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Flowers: Rainbow's End

Roses: Rainbow's End

Yeah, I'm still on my rose kick. ;-)

"Rainbow's End" by Modern English


Thursday, June 27, 2013

At the Library

Redondo Beach public library


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

In the Bones

Primate skeletons on display at the Museum of Man, Balboa Park, San Diego


Monday, June 24, 2013

A Moment of Contemplation

Chapel to the Virgin Mary at Mission San Luis Rey

One of my goal for this year is to visit a bunch of the California missions. I last made a go at visiting them all when I was a child, learning my local history. Being at mid-life, it seems appropriate to travel the Camino Real again, revisiting these old churches and getting back in touch with my Californian roots.

So, I traveled down to Oceanside to visit the King of the Mission, San Luis Rey de Francia. Founded in 1798, this mission is a lovely site, with rich religious imagery, historical antiquities, and beautiful gardens.

And it makes for nice photos. ;-)

"Convidando está la noche" by Juan García de Zéspedes


Sunday, June 23, 2013


An artist's visualization of Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) at the Museum of Man

A few month back, I was able to see the actual fossils of Lucy on display at the Bowers Museum, the highlight of their "Lucy's Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia". Unfortunately, the show did not allow photography. Although I really would have enjoyed sharing the experience with you all, I would have felt better doing so with some cool photos to help me out.

Well, this photo comes from my recent trip down to San Diego. The model is part of the Museum of Man's exhibit of human evolution, a fun interactive display.

Nevertheless, I can't help but ask, if Lucy is the "Mother of All Humankind", then does that make all of us fair game for a "Yo Mama So Ugly" joke? ;-)

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the Beatles


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cyclopean Design

Myrtle Cyclops (200) by Terry Martin

I recently visited the Long Beach Museum of Art. There were plenty of delightful and inspiring works on display, which I hope to share with you over the next week or so. However, today I want to share this piece by Australian woodworker, Terry Martin, part of the LBMA's "Tree" exhibition.

I love the color and texture. The shape is a bit creepy, otherworldly, as if touched by sorcery. Well, the artistry and craft behind the working of such a piece is indeed a type of magic. ;-)

Here's a vid of Terry Martin turning a piece of wood.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Flowers: Old Port

Rose: Old Port

Summer is now upon us, long days and warm weather. It's time for travel and strolling the gardens, enjoying the great outdoors.

It's time for fun!!! ;-)

"Summer Dreams" by Mirami feat. LayZee


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Looking at the Setting Sun

Sunset, viewed from the Hermosa Beach pier


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hey Kids!!! What Time Is It?!!

Howdy Doody marionette in an antique store

I'm back from my "vacation" and ready for fun and games. ;-)

So, boys and girls, what time is it?


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The King of Pez Heads

Elvis Presley Pez candies

But do the candies come in a fried peanut butter and nanner flavor? ;-)


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

At Hollywood and Highland

Northwest corner of Hollywood and Highland

Hollywood isn't my normal stomping grounds.

Being from the beach cities of the South Bay, I find the trip up to Hollywood to be a frustrating navigational exercise, ending with the ever annoying search for affordable parking. Moreover, the presence of tourists and those who thrive off of tourists is a definite turn off for me.

However, I was in the neighborhood. So, I took a few photos. ;-)

Ripley's Believe It or Not museum on the southeast corner of Hollywood and Highland


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beneath the Jacaranda

Looking up at the grey "June Gloom" sky from beneath the limbs of a Jacaranda tree


Monday, June 3, 2013

Between the Cypress

Mediterranean Cypress trees at Greystone Mansion, Beverly Hill


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fountains and Gazebos

Rose Garden at the South Coast Botanic Garden

Since the weather has gotten more amiable, I intend to go visiting the local gardens again, returning to a good stream of Flower blogging. In addition to creating content for Paideia, this will have the beneficial effect of getting me off of my posterior and from in front of the computer. ;-)

So, it is one-part creative enterprise and one-part exercise regimen. Given the beauty of the botanic gardens in Los Angeles, this is going to be a treat.

I hope you will enjoy the photos.

Gazebo on the green


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Declaration of Intent: June 2013

Shadows and light alternate in the patio at the South Coast Botanic Garden

Alright. Last month could have been more productive, less image dependent, and more focused upon my main selling points as a "culture" critic and enthusiast. To an extent, it was a shortage of time that derailed my blogging. I definitely had plenty of photos to share and many interesting topics to discuss. It's a pity that I couldn't get around to featuring them.

And that's an all-to-common refrain here at Paideia. The stores of unused photos sitting on my hard drive and back-ups are mind-boggling. So, rather than let them go forgotten, these images will be dredged up and given the spotlight, even if it's something from a couple years back. With so much material from which to select, there is absolutely no reason for me to go a day without providing an interesting image.

Moreover, I'm again going to attempt to put up posts with significant critical written content, be it regarding art, cinema, or music. And we'll get back on track with our weekly features, such as Friday Flowers. Seriously, it isn't that much work, requiring a very small investment of time in creating a popular and pretty aspect of this blog.

So, it's time to roll for initiative and get this project back in flight. ;-)

Aerospace mural in El Segundo
