
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sunset with Helicopters

A beautiful view of the sun setting into the Pacific ocean, marred by a couple helicopters

I figured that we would wrap up the month with this odd photo. I don't know what those 'copters were up to or for what they were looking, but they certainly disrupted the idyllic mood of the lovely sunset. ;-)

Anyways, it has been an interesting month. Let's look forward to the treasures and thrilling adventures that August has in store.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Altered the Color of My Mind

Detail from a painting by Patricia Chidlaw, part of the Cityscape Show III at George Billis Gallery

Well, let's allow our mind to dissolve away into the madness of night, with dreams both dark and bright, images both forlorn and hopeful to drive us into another precious day.

And, let's celebrate the birth date of Emily Bronte, born on this date in 1818, with an appropriate song. ;-)

"Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush


Something Good Is Going to Happen

Detail of Chromasonic Field (Blue/Green) installation by Johannes Girardoni

Although there have been a few "downs" to counter my "ups", I'm feeling moderately good about the direction of my creative development. Certainly, there are still kinks to iron out and the constant grind of self-improvement, but things are looking positive.

Moreover, I've been doing things that I love, like visiting art galleries. The photo above is from my trip to Nye and Brown in Culver Gity. Hopefully, I'll have time to share some more art related photos with you. ;-)

But, for today, let's wrap this post up by celebrating Kate Bush's birthday.

"Cloudbursting" by Kate Bush


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Uneven Pavement

Uneven Pavement: Watch Your Step!!!

It's one of those days. ;-)


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ride the Wooden Horse

Jumping Carousel Horse (c.1890) by the Dentzel Carousel Company, with Hindu Processional Horse (late 19th century) behind, on display at the Mingei International Museum

And, as that image settles into your mind, let's celebrate Juliana Hatfield's birthday with a song. ;-)

"My Sister" by Juliana Hatfield


Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Flowers: Again, Some Summer Roses

Roses at Heritage Court, Redondo Beach

And, to celebrate Mick Jagger's 70th birthday, here's a video:

"You Can't Always Get What You Want" by The Rolling Stones


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Path to Greatness

If a sign reads "Great" then it must be, right?

Alternatively, it's just a sidewalk in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, dreaming of greatness. Maybe it just needs a little more cowbell. ;-)

"Grazing in the Grass" by Hugh Masekela


It's Quiet in Here

Empty desks at the El Segundo Public Library

Do you ever have that weird feeling of being alone in public places? Have you ever spoken aloud but no one seemed to hear? Are you troubled by a sense of alienation, as if the you're somewhat out of synch with the rest of the world?

Yeah, me neither. ;-)

"Creep" by Radiohead


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Paved Paradise

Parking lot at the South Bay Galleria

It has been a long time since I last shared an "urban blight" image with you. What type of structure is as great an eyesore as a parking lot? ;-)

"Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell


Under the Dangling Orbs

Pavilion at the entry to the California Science Center

I don't know what the golden balls signify, but they sure are pretty. ;-)


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Far Out!!!!!

Griffith Observatory, viewed from the "Orbit of Pluto"

Yeah, it's been a while.

I'm again vacillating on what I intend to accomplish with my blogging. Because such naval-gazing grows tedious, I'll spare you the details. However, Paideia will probably go "photoblog" for the next month or so. There will be daily updates of image posts, occasionally with a bit of prose and exposition.

Come mid-August, there might be a change of program. We'll see how it goes. ;-)

For now. . .


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking at Patterns in the Sky

Beautiful cumulus clouds floating in a deep blue sky

There are some positive aspects to the marine layer that has been blanketing the South Bay cities for a few months now. Usually, the sky is leaden grey, with a diffuse pale light illuminating the land. However, when the clouds break up, the brilliant blue sky contrasts with the remaining puffs of cloud to form lovely skyscapes.

It leads to hours of cloud-gazing fun!!! ;-)


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Craving the Sweets

Delicious cupcakes!!!

I haven't very much to say right now.

It's a muggy, heavy day that is grinding down my energy and enthusiasm. Although I have a dull headache, the main thought dominating my mind is an intense desire for sugar, chocolate, and milk.

And, if I don't get some sweets mighty soon, there's going to be trouble!!! ;-)

Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal (2012)

Well, here's a video that doesn't quite capture my mood, but it has an appropriate title.

"Sweet Tooth" by Marilyn Manson


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Reddy Kilowatt Says. . .

It's Reddy Kilowatt flying a kite!!!

Sometimes one comes across a couple random sights that synch up perfectly for a blog post. It's a rare situation, but, when it happens, sharing is so much fun.

So when I came across this reproduction of a vintage "Reddy Kilowatt" ad, I was filled with enthusiasm. Just a few days previously, I had spotted a warning sign at some electric powerlines. Although I took a photo, it seemed to be the type of image that would go unused. The image didn't have enough narrative or aesthetic voltage to justify even an "Image of the Day" type of post.

And then Reddy and his kite saved the day!!! ;-)

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!!!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!!!

Barbie as the Statue of Liberty (FAO Schwarz, 1995)


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wandering Mind

A path through the South Coast Botanic Garden

Nothing much to share with you all tonight, just meandering thoughts and mellow contemplation. However, a peaceful garden photo is always a nice treat. ;-)


Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Nights

Westwood Village, looking north on Broxton Ave. towards the old Fox Theater.


Make It Magnificent

Enlightenment (2005) by Dale Chihuly, at the Mingei International Museum, San Diego

A new month is upon us and that means we can try anew to make this a better blog. ;-)

As long time readers may recall, I have a weird fascination with stairways. So, I was looking through my vast collection of staircases and I came across this one from the Mingei. Well, the stairs aren't the focus, but the Chihuly glass sculpture is certainly well worth a viewing.

And, while we're on the topic of glass, I'd like to celebrate the birthday of Debbie Harry, born on this date in 1945.

Debbie Harry, from Blondie's video for "Heart of Glass"

So, let's listen to some music.