
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Catch the Wave

Advertisement for New Coke (1985)

Twenty-six years ago, Coco-Cola replaced their classic formula for a new and "improved" one. This was a phenomenal marketing failure. Although the taste tests had shown that people liked the flavor of New Coke, the mere fact of change had upset the core Coke consumer. It was a gamble that brand loyalty would allow a seamless transfer of consumers from the classic formula to the new, while attracting people away from Pepsi.

This gamble failed. Less than three months from the introduction, the original formula was returned to production as Coke Classic. Eventually, the New Coke formula would be phased out.

Personally, I wasn't a cola drinker at the time. If nothing better was available, I'd choose Pepsi over Coke. However, I did find New Coke more to my taste, although not enough to pry me away from A&W Root Beer or Dr. Pepper. On the other hand, Cherry Coke was good stuff!

In any case, I found it weird how people got so worked up about it. LOL! Gotta luv da '80s.

Here's a vid about the launch and backlash:

Here's the New Coke Wikipedia page.


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