
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Demons of the Wind

A marble sculpture of Pazuzu, fused with his double, by Roberto Cuoghi

While I was visiting the Hammer Museum, I had to opportunity to see their exhibit Hammer Projects: Roberto Cuoghi. It's a small but interesting show. The exhibition space is in a U-shaped room. Along the arms of the "U" are alternate-ego portraits of the artist, images of what might have been or what might be. Here's an example:

Untitled (2010) by Roberto Cuoghi

At the focal point of the curve of the "U", there is a large black marble statue of the Assyrian demon, Pazuzu, King of the demons of the Wind. It is actually a sculpture of two Pazuzus, merged together as though stepping through each other. It's a very disturbing sight.

Moreover, the exhibit space has the feel of a chapel. The portraits on the wall are like devotional paintings, while the double Pazuzu is the alter or idol to whom this space is dedicated. All in all, I felt a bit disturbed.
Nevertheless it is an interesting show.

Since we're on the topic of Pazuzu, here's some music:

Here's a link to the Hammer's Roberto Cuoghi page.

And here's a link to Pazuzu's Wikipedia page.


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