
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Freedom Found in Solitude

Unbound by Judy Nimtz

Although I love the company of others, I feel best when I am by myself. It's a peculiar sense of liberation, free from the expectations of social engagement. The pressure of delivering clever conversation, amiable attentiveness, and engaging prospects are lifted when I am in solitude. I don't need to be "on" or insightful. I have the luxury of being silent and contemplative, without seeming rude or arrogant.

Socializing requires a constant give and take. Sometimes I don't have anything convenient to give and am feeling too full to comfortably receive. Sometimes the energy just isn't there. I need the peace of isolation to reinvigorate my spirit. Then I can return to society and participate with the quality of insight and engagement that my friends and associates deserve.

In previous eras, we would call this the Contemplative Life.

That is what I feel when I look at these paintings of the Transfixed series by Judy Nimtz. The solitary figure is empowered by the contemplative isolation and simplicity of her environment.

Crux by Judy Nimtz

I was lucky enough to catch these works while they were on exhibit at the Koplin Del Rio gallery in Culver City. Their beauty and simplicity resonated with the yearnings of my soul.

I have great anticipation to see more from this promising artist.

Here's a link to Judy Nimtz's website.

Here's a link for the Koplin Del Rio gallery.


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