
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Für Elise

On this date in 1810, Ludwig van Beethoven wrote one of the most beautiful and captivating musical compositions of Western Civilization, "Für Elise". Although the piece is titled with a dedication, we don't know for certain who "Elise" was. The primary argument is that the title is is error and should actually be entitled "Für Therese". This would indicate that it was written for Therese Malfatti, a lady to whom Beethoven proposed in that same year.

Therese turned down the offer and eventually married an Austrian noble in 1816. One is tempted to make a commentary on how wealth and power are more appealing than artistry and genius, but Beethoven was certainly a difficult man. You can't really blame a young lady for rejecting the offer of a person of erratic disposition, even if he was a musical genius. Nevertheless, the music is one incredible love letter.

In any case, this seems to be an appropriate place to give my favorite Beethoven quote:

"What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven."
LOL!!! The man had a bit of an ego.

Here's a vid of Valentina Lisitsa paying "Für Elise":

Here's a link to the Wikipedia page for "Für Elise".

And here's a link to Valentina Lisitsa's website.


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