
Friday, April 29, 2011

Gateway: Japan Revisited

BIO by Yuki Yoshida

Gateway: Japan is closing tomorrow at the Torrance Art Museum. If you can swing by to check it out, I highly recommend it. I've already discussed a few works in a previous post, but there are many more works worth checking out.

For instance, Yuki Yoshida's BIO is an intriguing piece. On my first visit, I didn't give it much attention, but upon a second viewing I found it enthralling. These figures caught amber-like in stasis are fascinating. They have a slightly Lovecraftian quality that captures my imagination. Check out this vid:

Likewise, Akira Shikiya's Get Smart is a charming work that I overlooked upon my first visit. Here are a few images:

Finally, you really don't want to miss Nobuhito Nishigawara's Capitoline Donkey, do you? ;-)

LOL!!! Anyways, I really enjoyed this show.

Here's a link to the Torrance Art Museum's website.

Here's Nobuhito Nishigawara's website.


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