
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Girly Talk

Blossom Dearie (1957)

Blossom Dearie was born on this date in 1924. A jazz singer and pianist, she was never a blockbuster name. Certainly, she was a fantastic singer, but her voice was notable for its girlish quality. There is something a bit disconcerting when you hear some "mature subject matter" expressed with such an innocent sounding voice.

When I first heard Blossom's music, it didn't work for me. Fortunately, I kept an open mind on the matter and eventually came to appreciate her performances. I got past the childish vocal quality and came to enjoy its brightness and implied coyness. Additionally, I grew to admire her technique and articulation.

So, here's to Blossom! We'll not let her go unappreciated at this blog! ;-)

Here's a link to Blossom Dearie's Wikipedia page.


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