
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She Was In Their Song

Today is Bird Day!!! In 1894, Charles Babcock established this day of celebration. The intention is to encourage conservation of the avian creatures with whom we share this world. It's a day for everybody to try their hands at birdwatching.

I'm not a Birder, but I occasionally dabble in it. Primarily, I try to take photos of birds. Sadly, I'm a terrible spotter, so I usually see the bird as it's flying away. Moreover, I'm totally ignorant of bird identities. To me, they are all "birds". ;-)

Here are a few recent photos that I took:

Drinking at a fountain

Sitting in the tree

Another interesting thing about birds is their songs. Again, I can't identify birdsong, but I can appreciate their sounds. Here's a vid with a collection of bird songs:

Here's a link to the Audubon Society.


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