
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weekly Wrap: Wednesday Night

Welcome to the Garden

As promised, here's the New and Improved Weekly Wrap! Hurray!!!

But before getting to our summary of the Week's posts and activities, let's talk about our plans for Paideia. I've been studying a bunch of blogs over the past few months, considering what I like about them and how I can make it work for me in furthering the entertainment and information value of my blog. Here is what I've decided:

First, what is my primary strength? It's as a "culture" critic/reviewer. In what area is my writing most likely to fill a readership need? I think that being an "art" blogger is where I can best meet an underserved demand. Therefore, I'll schedule three art posts per week, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. As regards my other areas of interest, I'll keep my current free-form style of marking anniversaries or birth dates.

Second, I love ghost stories. It's kind of crazy that I've gone so many months writing on this blog and haven't shared with you all some of my enthusiasm. Therefore, we're putting an end to this oversight and scheduling a Sunday Night Ghost Story, wherein I'll critique and discuss a classic story of the genre.

Third, in addition to my "culture blogging" interests, I can turn my attention to "location" blogging. I'm fortunate enough to live in one of the world's major culture capitals. Looking at my readership, a significant percentage is from outside the USA. It might be cool to offer up an occasional "Better Know a Los Angeles Community"-type post. I'm not going to set a specific schedule. I'll write them up as they come. Perhaps I can create a page to properly index them.

Now, I've got other ideas, but I find it best to set my mind on only three tasks at a time. As I meet these goals then I can add some additional ideas. ;-)

Empty Playground

So, that's for the future. Let's jump to the past!

Last week, I had just returned for my vacation. Sadly, although my work demands didn't take a vacation as well. So, I found myself behind my work schedule and exerted my energies following professional concerns, neglecting my darling blog. Therefore, we only have six posts to consider in the wrap.

Book of Genesis by R. Crumb

In the Likeness of God, we reviewed the San Jose Museum of Art's exhibit of R. Crumb's Illustrated Book of Genesis. I ranted a bit about Genesis and Crumb's style, but concluded that this was a very interesting body of work and recommended viewing it.

We had our weekly celebration of poetic and floral beauty in Friday Flowers: Orchid Edition. Good stuff!!!

Susanna and the Elders (1610) by Artemisia Gentileschi

Then we celebrated the life and creative genius of Artemisia Gentileschi in What a Woman Can Do. Obviously, they can make great art. ;-)

Jumping a few centuries form the early 17th century to our era, we wished a Happy Birthday to Courtney Love. In Burn Out Every Inch, we listened to a sampling of her work over the past twenty years. She's got talent and it is our hope that she can overcome various difficulties to make the most of it.

Woman with a Lute (c. 1663) by Johannes Vermeer

The Virtue of Temperance was bout the current showing of Vermeer's fantastic Woman with a Lute at the Norton Simon Museum. It is an amazing work to behold in person. If you're in Los Angeles, it is a must see painting.

Finally, we marked the thirty year anniversary of Escape from New York. Snake Plissken, You're A-Number One!!! ;-)

And that's the week that was at Paideia. Hope you enjoyed it.

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