
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Week Later

Hermosa Beach, South of the Pier

It's been a week since my accident. I'm feeling much better, but still have a few pains and kinks that I have hopes will heal up soon. It seems like the subgenre of "Surviving a Deadly Misadventure" requires that one reassess their existence, perhaps with a life-changing insight. Sadly, I'm too much of a creature of habit and compulsive patterns to give into such expectations.

So what did I do to recover from the collision? I spent a few days just vegging, listening to music. Music has always been my comfort activity. As indicated in the photo above, I took a trip to the beach. Weird, but I haven't actually walk on the beach since last September. Just as last time, it was a gloomy day, perfect for a sulky stroll upon the sand.

Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena

"Retail Therapy" doesn't usually work for me, but browsing the books is always a good time. Vroman's is an independent bookstore, with one of the finest selections that I've ever seen. They have great history, science fiction, horror, science, and gardening sections. I could spend all day planning my selections. ;-)

Eating is my other great comfort. Since we were visiting Vroman's, we zipped over a few blocks and ate at Tommy's Burgers. The chili cheeseburgers and fries are exquisite! I had planned to start a diet and exercise to shed some of my excess pounds. That plan has been totally disrupted by the accident.

Original Tommy's Hamburgers

My sister brought me some yummy sweets from Disneyland. Here's a chocolate berry cookie. Delish!!!

Disney cookies are the YUM!!!

As regards my passion for the arts, I didn't get to visit any galleries or see any openings this weekend. But I did get to visit the Norton Simon Museum. I wanted to see the Vermeer painting and Surface Truths.

LJ with Goya's St. Jerome and Rubens' St. Ignatius Loyola

Asides from those highlights, my week was placid, albeit with punctuations of back pain. Here's a bit of Schubert, my favorite composer, to celebrate the end of a difficult week.

Best wishes to you all. Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Here's the Norton Simon Museum website.

Here's Vroman's Bookstore's website.

And here's Original Tommy's Hamburgers website.


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