
Monday, August 22, 2011

Shoot You Right Down

John Lee Hooker, Blues Legend

I don't post as much blues music as I should. So, let's remedy the situation by celebrating the birth date of John Lee Hooker, born on this date in 1917. He's probably my favorite blues performer, with a mellow and easy style that conveys rich emotional depth. From energetic lustiness to crushing sorrow, the emotions of his music are delivered with "talkin' blues" coolness.

In terms of musical style, Hooker has an old-fashioned Delta blues feel loosely worked into an electric Chicago blues technique. Especially in his older performances, he creates a transitional sound that spans a wide range of evocative imagery and traditions, from the rural South of the early 20th century to the industrial Midwest of the mid-20th. Hooker remained a vital part of the blues scene up into the '90s and his influence can be felt still in contemporary performances and recording, a decade after his passing.

That's enough verbiage from me. Let's get to the music.

John Lee Hooker's first recording was "Boogie Chillin'" which went on to inspire future generations of blue artists and rock 'n' roll artists.

Some of his other classic works include:

But my favorite is:

Yeah, I like that song a whole lot! ;-)


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