
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summoned By The Jade Emperor

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads on public display at LACMA (Rat and Ox)

As promised here are some photos of the current public exhibition of Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. It's a really cool display, recreating the famous bronze heads from the Zodiac Fountain of the Chinese Imperial Palace in Yuan Ming Yuan. The originals were looted by foreign troops during the 2nd Opium War in 1860.

The pieces are expressions of Chinese nationalist iconography, especially as testaments against western colonialism. However, they are also designed to be separate from any fixed location, being wanderers of the world's cultural venues. It's an interesting contrast of thematic emphasis.

In any case, they are wonderful sculptures of the Chinese Zodiac animals.

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Tiger and Rabbit)

Unlike the western zodiac, the Chinese assign a sign for the entire year. We are currently in the Year of the Rabbit.

I think my favorite Zodiac head was the Dragon.

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Dragon)

Fearsome critter eating the Variety building on Wilshire. ;-)

Here are the other seven animal heads:

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Snake)

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Horse and Goat)

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Monkey and Rooster)

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Zodiac Heads (Dog and Pig)

So, what's your Chinese zodiac sign?


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