
Monday, September 19, 2011

Adventures in Orchid Viewing

Orchid: Lady MacBeth

The South Coast Botanic Garden was holding an Orchid show and sale this weekend. So, I headed over to check it out. I ended up taking hundreds of photos. Yeow!!!

Orchids are not my favorite flowers, but I can totally get caught up in their amazing varieties, shapes, and colors. I think that, if I were to become a flower cultivator, orchids would present the most complex and engaging type to grow. It's easy to see how Victorian flower collectors would go crazy over obtaining a new orchid.

Orchid: Alice's Yasmin

I'm a bit tight on time today. So this is going to be a pure photo post. ;-)

Here are a few more of my favorites.

Orchid: Angel Kiss

Orchid: Leopard

Orchid: Pink Marvel

Orchid: Cymbidium Chen's Ruby

Orchid: Sweet Strawberry

That's all for now. I suspect we'll be seeing some more on Friday Flowers this week.


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