
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dragon, Goddess, and Osprey at the Library

Frank Mando's Pele - Fire Goddess on display at the Manhattan Beach Civic Plaza

Continuing on my public art viewing, I visited the sculpture garden at the Manhattan Beach Civic Center. Over the past couple of years, there have been year long exhibitions of sculptures in front of the library, police department and at the entry to the civic plaza. It really enhances the public space.

Here are some photos of the five at the plaza.

Osprey by Maria T. de Castro

Kent Kraber had two sculptures on exhibit.

Imagine: If Only There Were Dragons by Kent Kraber

Remember by Kent Kraber

Frank Mando's Pele - Fire Goddess is the most attention-grabbing of the sculptures. It has a commanding position towards the middle of the civic plaza.

Pele - Fire Goddess by Frank Mando

But my favorite was the kinetic sculpture by David Thefeld.

On Board by David Thefeld

Here's a vid of On Board in motion.


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