
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wyland's Whaling Wall #31

Detail of Gray Whale Migration mural (1991) by Robert Wyland

Los Angeles is noted for being a city full of murals. I noticed that this blog is a bit light on showing such public art. So, here's a post to remedy the situation. ;-)

Wyland's work can be found all over the coast of California. Fortunately, we have a pretty cool mural over in Redondo Beach, the Gray Whale Migration. It was painted in 1991, the 31st of 100 murals that Wyland executed upon this theme. It was recently touched up to celebrate the twentieth anniversary.

I like how it captures the "Save the Whales" vibe of the era. It's an example of the developing "eco-consciousness" within the popular culture of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

South wall segment of Gray Whale Migration (1991) by Wyland.

And, most importantly, the Gray Whale Migration is an interesting image. Compositionally, it fits well along the building's western and southern walls.

It also plays a whimsical counterpoint to the waterfront that it faces. One one hand, you have a harbor full of boats and diverse watercraft. On the other, you have a serene image of majestic whales.

Blue whales also appear in Wyland's Gray Whale Migration (1991)

Here are a few more photos.

You can't have an aquatic environmental image without dolphins!!! ;-)

Whaling Wall #31 out of 100, Gray Whale Migration (1991) by Wyland.

Here's a vid about the mural and its restoration.


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