
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pacific Standard Time: Weekly Update #3

Pacific Standard Time Logo

Not much to add this week. Halloween activities have dominated my schedule, reducing my art viewing just as much as they've crashed my blogging productivity, like a vortex into which most of my time and energy gets sucked. But in a good, fun way. ;-)

I only hit one new location but it was a major event for me. I visited the Pepperdine University exhibit in Malibu. I haven't been to up in that part of town for over a decade. It is a place into which I actively avoid going. Actually, the last time that I visited Malibu was also to see a show at Pepperdine, the "Agnes Pelton: Poet of Nature" exhibit back in 1996.

Well, if one of the goals of Pacific Standard Time is to get Angelenos visiting local regions to which they normally do not travel, then it succeeded as regards to me, perhaps even breaking my antipathy towards Malibu.

I also paid a second trip to the Norton Simon exhibit on printmaking, "Proof." It's a really extensive show, rewarding multiple visits, offering new insights with each viewing. The museum had a "spotlight talk" for one of the works in the show, Rufino Tamayo's "Mask" (1964), an intriguing work from an underappreciated Mexican master.

So here are my PST hits for the week:

Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University

"California Art: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation"

Norton Simon Museum

"Proof: The Rise of Printmaking in Southern California"

I'm hoping to hit another one of the big venues this week, either the Getty or MOCA. It'll be fun stuff!!!


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