
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Age of Bronze, Part II

The Thinker (1880, 11/12) by Auguste Rodin, overlooking Colorado Blvd

If The Thinker was originally designed as a figure surveying the damned at the Gates of Hell, then what does it signify that it will be overlooking Pasadena's Tournament of Roses Parade, proceeding to the Rose Bowl, along Colorado Blvd? Hmm. . .

Earlier, I promised some more photos of the Rodin sculptures at the Norton Simon Museum. The lighting conditions were not optimal, but I think a few turned out looking satisfactory.

Jean de Fiennes, Vetu (1884-95, 1/4) by Auguste Rodin

Saint John the Baptist (1878-80, 7/12) by Auguste Rodin

The sculptures have amazing facial expressiveness, revealing a depth of emotion, engaging the viewer with unvoiced questions.

But the work that really hits hard with emotional intensity is the Burghers of Calais. In my prior post, I offered up two photos. Here are three more detail shots.

Burghers of Calais (1884-95, 10/12) by Auguste Rodin, viewed from the back right

Burghers of Calais (1884-95, 10/12) by Auguste Rodin, expressions of grief

Burghers of Calais (1884-95, 10/12) by Auguste Rodin, sorrow and stoicism

And here's a vid discussing this awesome work.

Burghers of Calais lecture by Jayne Yantz


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