
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beyond the Crystal Spheres

Uranus Rings (1987) by David A. Hardy

In 1738, Sir William Herschel was born. His career in science was prestigious, including the discoveries of Uranus and infrared radiation, the coining of the word "asteroid", and the improvement of telescope technology. And he composed symphonic music as well!!!

Although I rarely cover "science" topics, I couldn't let Herschel's genius go uncelebrated. Too often, we spend our time celebrating "popular" figures, overlooking those individuals who may have been less glamorous but, nevertheless, contributed significant ideas or inventions to humanity. That's not to say that "media darlings" or celebrities are not important, but, instead, that a discerning society ought to give equal or greater interest and respect to those who labor in obscurity, as is appropriate to their contributions to society.

Our current Age of Information was founded upon the genius of prior scientists and thinkers. Herschel was one of these great men.

William Herschel's 40 ft. telescope, 1789

So, let's give thanks to Herschel and those innovative thinkers, famous or obscure, who have made our world a better place.

Let's look at a few vids:


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