
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pacific Standard Time: Weekly Update #4

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Well, this week was a bit of a drag. Poor health and a busy schedule kept me from enjoying a week of art appreciation. Nevertheless, I was able to revisit an exhibit and see a new one. That's not too bad.

My schedule is looking mighty tight for this upcoming week. So I'm not expecting to do much PST art trips. Moreover, I'm drastically behind on checking out gallery shows. While I am fully enthusiastic about viewing the historic roots of the Los Angeles art scene, I've been neglecting the contemporary treasures that are on view at art galleries across the city. That's got to be remedied.

So, it looks like we'll be taking the PST project at a slower pace for a while. Well, at least that ought to allow me to catch up on writing about the exhibitions that I visited.

Anyways, here are the shows seen this week:

Armory Center for the Arts

"Speaking in Tongues: Wallace Berman and Robert Heinecken"


"California Design, 1930-1965: Living in a Modern Way"

As with last week, I'm hoping to hit a big show this week. ;-)


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