
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Such an Adorable Little Cat

Happy Birthday, Hello Kitty!

On this date in 1974, Hello Kitty was created!!!

It's hard for me to imagine a world without the famous feline, a beast that attained popularity just as I was entering elementary school. The girls at school were of the target age for this new fad out of Japan, resulting in Hello Kitty stickers, pencils, folders, clothes, toys, and just about anything upon which Sanrio could stick a mouthless visage. The Cat even put my sister under its spell, extending its influence into my house, into my very bedroom!!!

Yeah, I have issues with Hello Kitty. ;-)

Age has mellowed me out in regards to the Sanrio Scourge, but I still can't understand the appeal. Hello Kitty didn't peak and fade, but attained an enduring popularity, becoming a worldwide pop culture icon. How?!! It's not that there is something innately bad about the Kitty, but I can't see exactly what has enabled it to attain iconic status.

Hurry, Hello Kitty, your gifts are waiting!!!

Well, life is full of mysteries and cult of Hello Kitty is one of them.

Here are a couple vids for your "entertainment":

Hello Kitty at Universal Studios Japan


(If you're into some serious Hello Kitty hatin', then you must visit Hello Kitty Hell, the best anti-Kitty site around.)

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