
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Madrona Musings: Blogging for TAM

Detail of the Torrance Art Museum's entryway mural

I've been toying with the idea of starting up a second blog for a while now, one focusing on a specific topic, but I kept vacillating between ideas, incapable of sealing the deal with any of my pressing interests.

Then the idea came to me; maybe I could blog for a cultural venue that I enjoy and admire. Previously, I had noticed that the Torrance Art Museum (TAM) was in need of somebody to manage their blog. Therefore, it was a logical match; I was looking to extend my blogging efforts and they were looking for a blogger.

So, I contacted the curator, Max Presneill, and volunteered my services. After some discussion, he accepted my offer. :-)

Torrance Art Museum (TAM) Logo

I now have set up a second blog, Madrona Musings, which is dedicated to the events and artists associated with the Torrance Art Museum. It will not be as frequently updated as this blog, but I intend to have a few posts each week, including artist spotlights, critical considerations, and general information sharing. It'll be fun. ;-)


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