
Friday, April 6, 2012

Truth Is Beauty; Beauty Is Truth

Detail of the Transfiguration (1520) by Raphael

The precise date of Raphael's birth is not certain, but April 6, 1483, is one commonly held date. So, let's go with it for our celebration. ;-)

I don't get passionate about Raphael's work, but I am endlessly enchanted by it. Serene beauty rules his aesthetic reality. Gorgeous, young Madonnas, draped in sumptuous fabrics, sitting in an Arcadian landscape, hint of the celestial glory made manifest in earthly form.

Raphael is not my favorite artist, but he places high on the list. His art is the perfection of Renaissance ideals.

Detail of Madonna and Child with Book (1503) by Raphael

In the local collections, only the Norton Simon has a Raphael, the lovely Madonna pictured above. It is always a treat to go see this beauty.

Here are some vids:


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