
Monday, May 7, 2012

Paradise In Your Dream

Photograph of Johannes Brahms (1889)

I've never been a big fan of the compositions of Johannes Brahms.

Certainly, they're beautiful works, but, to my tastes, they are too formal, too polished, too cerebral or academic. Moreover, I love narrative designs, but Brahms was emphatically anti-narrative, seeking to compose "pure" music. In his quest for perfect structure, it feels to me like he designed away authenticity.

Nevertheless, his creative genius can't be denied. Although his works are not my favorites, they definitely are masterpieces of compositional craftsmanship. So, to celebrate his birth date (born in 1833), let's listen to some music.

Here are a few vids:

Hungarian Dance #5

Clarinet Quintet in B-minor, op. 115

Ein Deutsches Requiem, op. 45 (Ihr habt nun Traurigheit)

Symphony #4 (4th movement)

Brahms' Lullaby


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