
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love for Landscapes

View of the Pacific Ocean from the Getty Villa in Malibu

When I started this blog, I was taking photos of buildings or art works or landscapes merely to provide an interesting view to go alongside my writing. My view of photography was that it was simply an accompaniment, a decoration. Moreover, I see myself more as a writer than as a photographer.

Fifteen months later, I've taken thousands of photos. And I'm starting to really get into it. I'm no longer looking for images that will complement, but, rather, images that will command. Now, I've got a whole lot to learn about taking pictures before I can call myself a "photographer" but I feel like I'm on the right path, perceiving the pictorial potentialities in my environment.

I figured that I would share a few landscape photos that I've taken over the past month. Yeah, they're not fine art, but I'm fond of them. ;-)

Afternoon view of Los Angeles county from Rocketship Park in Torrance

I'm looking forward to developing my technique. In a world so rich with beautiful and interesting sights, it seems a shame to let such images pass by unrecorded, left to fade away in the viewer's memory. Hopefully, I can capture some of these lovely visions, saving them here at Paideia to be appreciated by all those random "web surfers" that find their way to this humble blog.

And here are a few more photos:

The lake at the South Coast Botanic Gardens

A view of Mount St. Mary's College from the Getty Center

Long Beach Harbor at sunset

And here is a vid with gorgeous landscapes:

"Only Time" by Enya


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