
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Flowers for the Lion-Hearted King

Leonotis Leonurus: Lion's Tail

Yeah, I missed out of Friday Flowers. Let's make it up with a few photos today.

Rather than going with one of my standards, roses or dahlias or fuchsias, I figured we would take a look at some Lion's Tail or, as it is also known, Wild Dagga. And such a selection fits thematically with our chosen birth date celebration, King Richard I of England "The Lionheart" who was born on September 8, 1157.

We're going medieval on you all tonight. ;-)

Leonotis Leonurus: Wild Dagga

So, chill out with the wild dagga and listen to a few tunes from the 12th century.

Here are some vids:

"L'Amourdont sui espris" by Blondel de Nesle

"A la doucour de la bele seson" by Gace Brule


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