
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Turkey Time

Turkey with candy tail feathers. Yum!!!

It always annoys me how the seasonal decorations jump straight from Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving in the mad rush to fuel consumer enthusiasm. After all, you don't generally sell costumes or gifts for Turkey Day. And, therefore, we go from pumpkins to snowmen overnight.

Well, in defiance of this trend, here's a photo that I took in late November. ;-)

Anyways, we can give thanks for our happy situations regardless of the date. And it's always a good time to have a fine meal.

And music.

Let's listen to some traditional American music for the holiday season.

"Star in the East" performed by Tim Eriksen

"Shiloh" performed by the Waverly Consort

"I Wonder as I Wander" performed by the Cambridge Singers


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