
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fallen Leaves and Barren Trees

The branches, nearly bare, stretch up into a turbulent sky.

Yeah, another photo blog. I don't have the energy today to write about anything really cool or exciting. Like these trees, I'll have to wait for a warmer time to show a proper flourish.

But I'm keeping up the daily output, even through these difficult times. That's something about which I can be happy. There are many wonderful things around me; if only I could rally my spirit, there would be an overabundance of writing. ;-)

Yet, for today, we'll look at these poor fallen leaves.

Dry and discarded, the fallen leaves rest upon the green grass.

Maybe tomorrow. . .

We'll see.

A wide azure sky, alive with flowing clouds, extends beyond the withered limbs.

And some Bartok:

Third movement from Solo Violin Sonata

String Quartet 4, Fourth movement

Romanian Folk Dances


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