
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Resting on a Quiet Night

Entryway at the South Coast Botanic Gardens on a winter afternoon

It's one of those nights when my energy ebbs low, even though I have plenty about which to write and to share, photographs and ideas aplenty. Certainly, I could push myself to produce a witty review of some art exhibition or a lighthearted celebration of a birth date or historical fact. But, let's be honest, I'm tired.

Instead of some coherent essay or critical review, I'll offer you a couple images, featuring two of my favorite compositional elements, the passageway and the reflection. I have an affinity to their thematic qualities and find them aesthetically pleasing.

Just because I'm having a lazy evening doesn't mean that I'm going weak on the content. ;-)

Empty swimming pool reflecting the twilight sky

And some music. . .

Let's go late renaissance tonight.

"J'ai Vu Le Loup" performed by the Baltimore Consort

"Jean de Nivelle" performed by the Baltimore Consort

"Les Buffons" performed by the Baltimore Consort


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