
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy 2nd Blogiversary, Paideia!!!

Sarah Joncas, Decadence and Despair, Thinkspace Gallery
Detail of Decadence and Despair (2012) by Sarah Joncas

Two years of blogging!!!

It seems like such a long time, like something that I've been doing for ages. I've had plenty of ups and downs, cycles of productivity and stagnation. There have been countless shows, exhibitions, and events. I've written about numerous topics, from music to religion, literature to automobiles. Every day, a new topic and novel experiences provide grist for the mill, material that churns through my mind processing into a blog post.

Even with the wild fluctuations in my posting rate, I have averaged one post per day for two years!!! That's some serious dedication. Actually, that's borderline obsessive compulsive behavior!!! ;-)

To be honest, the last year has been rough. However, there is always something in which I can find joy. And this keeps me going. As the past few months demonstrate, I've got the writer's stamina to play the long game, to put up a body of work both prolific and diverse.

It may not be much, but it's something, a little thing, about which I can feel some pride.

Mirage Casino, Las Vegas, Sunset
The sun sets behind the Mirage Casino in Las Vegas.

Anyways, I'd like to thank all of you who read this blog. I know that my meanderings from topic to topic, rambling enthusiasms and critiques, and haphazard photography make Paideia a choppy read. So, I want to express my great appreciation. There are so many interesting places out there in the vast expanse of the internet that I'm honored to have you visit this site.

Hopefully, the upcoming year will have entertaining and informative material that I can share with you all. The world is filled with beauties and delights; I hope that we may find them and take satisfaction in the discovery.

Again, thanks for reading. May the next year bring us happiness, prosperity, and wisdom!!!



  1. Happy Blogiversary, LJ! Meandering writing makes for interesting reading, which is why I like to visit your blog. I especially enjoy your flower photography. Congrats on reaching this milestone :-)

  2. Thanks, Kim. I appreciate the kind words. There are more flowers on the way. ;-)
