
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

While the Thrill Is On

Mardi Gras Barbie, American Beauty Collection, 1987, #4930, Mattel
Mardi Gras Barbie says "Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!" Now, throw her some beads. ;-)

Well, it's Fat Tuesday and we can't let the day pass without some type of celebration.

I've been taking a couple days off. That'll put me in good spirits to power through the Lenten season, in which I plan to post each and every day. I might even write on occasion about religion or spirituality, topics that I avoid but, oddly enough, about which I have a considerable amount of knowledge.

Normally, I don't like writing about matters that might upset my readers. We're here for the fun, not to quarrel across the internet. But changing things up every so often is probably a good policy, keeping fresh the random stuff that pops up here at Paideia. We'll see how it goes.

Camille Pissarro, Boulevard Montmartre Mardi Gras, Hammer Museum, Impressionism, 1897
Boulevard Montmartre Mardi Gras (1897) by Camille Pissarro

But, for today, let's let the good times roll. ;-)

And here are some vids:

"Let the Good Times Roll" performed by Shirley & Lee

"That's a Plenty"

"Basin Street Blues" performed by Louis Armstrong


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