
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Curiosity Is Beautiful

Pandora by Marta Dahlig

The Greek myth of Pandora is one of my “favorite” stories. I put the quotes there because I don't actually like the myth. In fact, it offends me. However, it is a story that inspires me towards contemplation. It revs my critical faculties and makes me think.

The Pandora myth has many facets to consider. Currently, I'm focused on the topic of intellectual pursuit, at the heart of which lies the human emotion of curiosity. It is from this emotion that we derive all knowledge. In the Pandora myth, it is from her undeniable curiosity that all human suffering and worldly evils arise.

And this is explicitly the Will of the Gods.

The Gods designed her with the inclination towards curiosity. The Gods gave her the sealed “box” which held within it the aforementioned evils. The Gods PLACED the evils within the box.

Therefore, if we take the emotion of curiosity as the seed of knowledge, then the Gods have punished the world for desiring knowledge. How loathsome is that?!! Presumably the Gods would rather that humanity lived in brutish ignorance and unquestioning submission. Such beings are unworthy of veneration.

I see Pandora as an inspirational figure. She yearned for knowledge. What is more admirable than that?

Here's a link to the Wikipedia page for Pandora.

Here's a link to Marta Dahlig's page: blackeri on deviantART. Please give it a visit. Such artistry deserves attention.


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