
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

He Who Knows Best

Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743. In my assessment, Jefferson was the most important of the Founding Fathers. His egalitarian vision of democracy has gifted the American Experience with ever expanding social progressivism. If not for Jefferson's great influence, I believe US History would read like a neo-Roman oligarchy. That oligarchic state was the Hamiltonian vision, a pernicious economic elitism that still troubles the nation. The incredible liberties that the average American takes for granted may not have come into being, if not for Jefferson's influence.

That's not to say that he was without flaws. Even when enthusiasts white-wash his biography, there's plenty of deplorable behavior and attitudes. Just to hit the easy targets, his acceptance of slavery and his aggression against the Native Americans put him solidly on the wrong side of history.

Nevertheless, despite these failings, I still am grateful for his legacy. I celebrate Jefferson's Birthday because I celebrate Liberty.

Here's a link to his Wikipedia page.

And here is a quick vid on his presidency:


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