
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Entry Procession

I had the good luck to be able to attend the performance of a new work by Luigi Ontani, AmenHammerAmeno, at the Hammer Museum. It's a site-specific tableau vivant featuring a procession of performers in Balinese masks accompanied by gamelan music. The performance is part of an exhibition entitled "When in Rome."

The performance was held primarily in the courtyard of the Hammer. When the event began, the performers marched alongside the courtyard and left the building. It was an amusing twist on our expectation. However, they soon returned to the courtyard and situated themselves upon a floor space delineated by rose petals, seemingly arranged in the shape of a painter's palette.

Standing Upon the Palette

The performers were initially carrying their masks, but, with a change in the music, they put on the masks. Again, the music changed and the masks were removed. Eventually, the performers marched of the "palette" and left the courtyard.

The masks were definitely interesting viewing. Here are a few:


Animazione Anni


The music was engaging. I'm a long-time enthusiast of gamelan music. Here's a cool vid:

Although the performance was enjoyable, I must confess. I didn't really understand it. Certainly, any allusions to Balinese culture went right over my head. I'll have to give it some thought, let my mind process the imagery and presentation.

Luigi Ontani

Anyways, here's a link to the Hammer Museum.

Here's a link to Luigi Ontani's Wikipedia page.


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