
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Scent of Magnolias, Sweet and Fresh

On this date in 1939, Billie Holiday recorded the song "Strange Fruit." It is a song about the lynching of African-Americans in the American South. The lyrics are from a poem by Abel Meeropol, expressing his horror at the vile practice that was a common feature of the "Jim Crow" era.

It's hard to believe such barbarism was until relatively recently a part of US history. But it is also hard to believe that a lady as troubled as Billie Holiday would have the courage to speak out, publicly and loudly, against it in an era where racism was a pervasive part of society, even outside the South.

I'm grateful that she did. Sometimes, I get annoyed at entertainers who get political or drive an agenda. Sometimes, I want to say "Shut up and Sing!" But when this pops into my mind, I think back to Billie and wonder what I would think about somebody who would say that to her.

Then I swallow my irritation and listen to the message with an open mind.

Here's a link to Billie Holiday's Wikipedia page.

Thank you, Lady Day.

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