
Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Flowers: Autumn's First Post

Plumbago Capensis, also known as Cape Leadwort (South Africa)

Autumn Movement
(By Carl Sandburg)

I cried over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.

The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf at the neck of the copper sunburned woman,
     the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.

The northwest wind comes and the yellow is torn full of holes, new beautiful things
     come in the first spit of snow on the northwest wind, and the old things go,
     not one lasts.

Well, I had promised some orchids, but I thought to change it up. We'll share the orchid photos with you all eventually, but how's about some lovely leadwort? Got to love the protocarnivorous plants. ;-)

Plumbago Capensis (Plumbaginaceae)

Why would anyone name such pretties something as unattractive as leadwort?

Well, the name comes from Pliny the Elder. Maybe the name refers to the color of the petals, or the stains of the sap, or the mistaken belief that the flower could counteract lead poisoning. Whatever the reason, Pliny gets the blame for burdening such a lovely flower with such an ugly name. ;-)

Plumbago Capensis, also called Plumbago Ariculata

Here's a vid on the lovely Plumbago.


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