
Friday, September 23, 2011

New Beautiful Things Come

An Italian Autumn (1844) by Thomas Cole

Summer passes without giving the South Bay much of a visit this year. Our marine layer has started each morning with a gray ceiling that lasts deep into the day. From early May to this September morning, the Gloom blots out the sky. Oh well, let's hope that Autumn clears away the mists.

Folks foreign to the Californian climate will scoff at the notion of a "seasonal" change in Los Angeles. They claim that it is always summer here. Always green and without color. Well, it's true that we don't get the intense reds, oranges, and browns that characterize much of the rest of the States. However, the Fall subtly creeps into the trees and gardens. The bird songs and animal activities gradually alter. It's a slow walk into the darkness of Winter.

This isn't my favorite season. But I'll keep my complaints to a minimum. ;-)

Autumn (1896) by Alphonse Mucha

And we can't pass up the opportunity to post another Mucha beauty.

How does the Autumn effect this blog? Well, obviously we'll be covering less flower shows. But the major holidays will be coming fast and furious. If there is anything that Los Angeles does with gusto, it's throw a party. So, expect pumpkins and turkeys and North Pole elves to be frequent images upon the front page. ;-)

Autumn: Chestnut Gatherers (1894) by Georges Lacombe

And now for some music!

Some of Vivladi's Autumn from the Four Seasons, featuring violinist Julia Fischer

Keith Jarrett and the classic Autumn Leaves

And a Happy 62nd Birthday to Bruce Springsteen!


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