
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tiger, Boar, Monkey, and Frog

Netsuke: Tiger by Matsushita Otoman

Just a quick post today. I've been meaning to write about the excellent collection of netsuke at LACMA for the past few weeks, but time slips away. And I've been writing a whole lot about LACMA over the past month, what with the Tim Burton exhibit, the Ai Weiwei Zodiac Heads, and the Jeff Koons sculptures. I kind of feel bad spamming the museum photos.

But I'm pressed for time today and the netsuke deserves some blog love. ;-)

So, here are a few of my favorites on display from the Bushell Collection at LACMA's Japanese Pavillion.

Netsuke: Wild Boar Rooting

And, as promised, here are the monkey and the frog.

Netsuke: Tiger and Monkey

Netsuke: Frog

And here's a vid displaying a whole bunch of other pieces that are part of the rotating collection.

And set to the music of Enigma no less!!!


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