
Monday, October 17, 2011

Abstractions of the Modern Garden

Two views of Button Flower (1959) by Alexander Calder

For months, I have intended to visit the Franklin D. Murphy sculpture garden at UCLA. It was back when I was writing up my post on the works of Alexander Calder. I wanted a good photo of Button Flower, but couldn't find one. It needs to be shot from multiple directions to effectively capture the spatial relationships of the work.

"Why don't I just swing over there and snap a photo myself?" I thought. "I'm always at the Hammer. And I could use the exercise of a good long stroll."

Yeah, believe me. That's one heck of a "good long stroll." I think it's uphill both coming and going. ;-)

Well, hike accomplished and photos taken. I didn't stop with just the Calder shots, but wandered around snapping away. There are so many fine works from which to choose, but here are a few of my favorites.

Cubi XX (1964) by David Smith

Yeah, the collection is heavy on the abstracts, but that's fine by me. Even after the huge David Smith show at LACMA, I still can't get enough of these Cubi constructs.

Recently, I've grown fond of Barbara Hepworth's work. There is a wonderful marble work, entitled "Assembly of Sea Forms," on display at the Norton Simon. I found this piece equally as engaging. The smooth, rounded contours and three-fold perforation make for a subtle viewing experience.

Two views of Elegy III (1966) by Barbara Hepworth

Peter Voulkos is like my sculptural great-grandfather. I can trace my ceramic lineage directly back to him over three generations. So I always enjoy viewing his works. ;-)

Gallas Rock (1960) by Peter Voulkos

And you can never go wrong with Henry Moore.

Two-Piece Reclining Figure, No.3 (1961) by Henry Moore

I was really satisfied making the long walk back to my car. Then I realized that I overlooked the Isamu Noguchi!!! Looks like I'll be paying another visit to Bruin Land.



  1. Enjoyed looking at these. Most especially the Calder. Thanks for the tour. :)

  2. You're welcome! Exploring the sculpture garden was a pleasure and I'm happy to share the experience. :-)
