
Monday, October 17, 2011

Orchid Show: Huntington Gardens

Buddha and the Orchids (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)

Orchids were the last thing on my mind, as I hopped around town visiting museums in my quest to experience the Pacific Standard Time in full. Saturday mid-afternoon found me at the Huntington to check out their exhibit on the Pomona Valley art scene, "The House That Sam Built."

My state of mind becomes tightly focused when I'm on an art mission. I get severe tunnel vision. But after viewing the show, I wandered over to the nearby Conservatory to contemplate upon the fantastic arts and crafts of the exhibit. And strolled into the midst of an orchid show!!!

"Oh yeah!" I thought to myself. "The Huntington is a museum AND a botanical garden!"

Out came the camera. And around the exhibit space I went, crawling from flower to flower. It was a race against the clock, as the closing hour was drawing near, and I hadn't planned on taking in such an array of floral beauties. But where there's a will, there's a way. ;-)

Orchid: Cymbidium "Chen's Ruby"

Viewing these flowers while being unprepared was a real treat. I usually brush up on assessment techniques before attending a show, so as to have a good idea of the traits and conformations that are cherished in a particular flower type. This experience was very "raw" for me, very unconstrained by delineations of orchid beauty.

Here are a few more of the pretties that took me by surprise. ;-)

Orchid: Epicattleya Volcano Trick "Orange Fire"

Orchid: Cattleya "Hawaiian Search"

Orchid: Jungle Monarch

Lovely flowers. A nice way to wrap up a busy day of museum hopping.

Here's a fun vid showcasing some gorgeous orchids.


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