
Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Flowers: Orchids and Vespers

Purple Orchid

(By Louise Gluck)

In your extended absence, you permit me
use of earth, anticipating
some return on investment. I must report
failure in my assignment, principally
regarding the tomato plants.
I think I should not be encouraged to grow
tomatoes. Or, if I am, you should withhold
the heavy rains, the cold nights that come
so often here, while other regions get
twelve weeks of summer. All this
belongs to you: on the other hand,
I planted the seeds, I watched the first shoots
like wings tearing the soil, and it was my heart
broken by the blight, the black spot so quickly
multiplying in the rows. I doubt
you have a heart, in our understanding of
that term. You who do not discriminate
between the dead and the living, who are, in consequence,
immune to foreshadowing, you may not know
how much terror we bear, the spotted leaf,
the red leaves of the maple falling
even in August, in early darkness: I am responsible
for these vines.

I think Louise Gluck may be my favorite contemporary poet. I was reminded of her amazing artistry in the January issue of Poetry Magazine. And then, she had a reading at the Hammer Museum. Many people don't realize it, but, if you love poetry, the Golden Age is today!

A cluster of purple orchids

As regards the orchids, aren't they beauties? I don't often feature flowers from my garden, but I so adored these lovelies that I had to give them some front page time. ;-)

Anyways, since I will probably not be attending the big Orchid Show up in Santa Barbara, I might as well take pleasure in my own humble but precious flowers.

Purple Orchids

And here are some vids:

"Wild Iris"


"The Messengers"


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