
Thursday, March 15, 2012

2012 Weekly Wrap #6

Detail from The Parasol (1777) by Francisco Goya

No, I didn't fall off the edge of the world or experience a localized reversal of gravity. ;-)

Well, let's try to get this train back on the tracks. Since the last Wrap, I've been contemplating where I want to take this blog; what do I want out of Paideia? To be honest, I haven't a clue. The process of writing and sharing my thoughts are worthwhile activities, but should I try to "up my game" and cultivate a larger following? I don't know.

Whatever the new experiments that are attempted over the next year, we have to take care of the fundamentals, our focus on the arts and culture. So, I'll attempt to reestablish the three gallery posts per week, with a museum feature once per week. I've allowed discipline to slide on this matter, but that'll be fixed.

Now, let's get to the Wrap.

Detail of Green Shirt (1965) by Robert Rauschenberg

We had four Art posts. Two were dedicated to celebrating Pierre-Auguste Renoir's birth date, one focusing on some famous works and the second looking at the local collection at the Norton Simon Museum. While visiting the Norton Simon, we took a look at Robert Rauschenberg's Green Shirt. Finally, we celebrated Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's birth date.

In Music, we had six posts. First, we celebrated our monthly Dance Party. Then we had birth date celebrations for Dexter Gordon, Federico Moreno Torroba, and Antonio Vivaldi. We celebrated the anniversary of the debut of Georges Bizet's classic opera, Carmen. And, finally, we had a whimsy post listening to songs about stairways leading to nowhere. ;-)

Then we had three Friday Flowers posts. Yeah, our "week" had three Fridays. We looked at some lovely anemones along with the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Then, we enjoyed some pansies with the works of Dr. Seuss. Finally, orchids and Louise Gluck's poems made for a wonderful treat.

And we celebrated our first year of Paideia with a megapost, very retro-style, harkening back to the early days at this blog. Lots of fun memories.

Over at Madrona Musings, I wrote a "spotlight" piece on Mary Addison Hackett's The Walk. Then I showcased a few gallery shots and a walkthrough video for the closing week of "To Live and Paint in LA". Next was a brief post outlining the route of the Levitated Mass, a 340 ton boulder that was being transported near the South Bay. Finally, I wrote an article about the work of Yvette Gellis. Interesting stuff!!!

Well, it's been a while but that's a decent bit of work. I'm happy with the quality. I hope you all are too. Until next time, mi amigos!

"And he, he himself, the Grinch, carved the roast beast."


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