
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Weekly Wrap: Thursday Night #2

Methane Lake on Titania (1968) by David A Hardy

Another week, another wrap. We took it leisurely this week with regards to posting. But I did a bit of cleaning and fussing about behind the screen, working on weeding out some labels, fixing up links in the Art page, and trying out that "LinkWithin" gadget.

I'm not certain that I'll keep the "LinkWithin" for long. It makes the front page look busy, but I can accept it if it helps readers find other posts in which they might have an interest. When I installed it, it impressed me with how it accurately linked up appropriate posts, but, since then, it hasn't worked too well. My most recent posts seem to have randomized links. That's kind of stupid! So, I've got it under review. If it doesn't start showing some accuracy, I'm bootin' it out of Paideia.

Although this week was heavy on the art posts, five out of ten, I'm satisfied with an occasional imbalance like that. After all, Monet's and Rodin's birthdates only come once a year each. Moreover, we normally assign a greater percentage to art, with music as a close second. As long as we keep the topics mixed over the long term, it does no harm to go a bit heavy on one for a week.

Burghers of Calais (1884-95, 10/12) by Auguste Rodin, Norton Simon Museum at night

Let's look at the weekly blogging:

We had five art posts. In celebration of Rodin's birth date, I shared some photos from my archive of local museum visits. Later on that day, while visiting the Norton Simon Museum, I snapped some new photos. Monet's birth date was also a cause for celebration, in which we featured a few paintings that are in our local Los Angeles collections. I was able to visit a few galleries this week, which enabled me to write about the excellent show of Chuck Close's work at Blum & Poe. Finally, our Pacific Standard Time experience continued by revisiting some shows and attending a few lectures. Good stuff!!!

Music was discussed in two posts. First, we celebrated the birth date of the 19th century female composer, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, appreciating her beautiful compositions. Then we enjoyed some smooth jazz from Diana Krall.

Friday Flowers were chrysanthemums. We visited the Petersen Automotive Museum to check out the excellent Phil Hill exhibit and see some awesome cars! And, finally, we had a rare science post featuring Sir William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus and infrared radiation.

Fun stuff. Next week will likely be at a leisurely pace as well, given that it's holiday time, with plenty of familial obligations. But I'll try to make the ten post minimum for you all. ;-)

Here's the weekly weird.

Giant Pool Balls (1967) by Claes Oldenburg


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