
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weekly Wrap: Wednesday Night #18

Detail of a 1959 ad for Dr Pepper

It's been two weeks since our last update.

In that time, we've written up fifteen posts, covering a wide range of topics. I was considering moving our "wrap" day to Monday, but, with the year coming to its end in a few weeks, I decided that any changes of policy can wait until the clean slate of a new year, starting out with a fresh schedule and blogging approach.

My posting pace has been weak, a complication of my poor health, which, hopefully, will be significantly improving this week. Personally, I feel much healthier, but fatigue still persists. Time and rest should fix me up eventually, but it is a drag getting to that state.

Lil' Sister (2011) by Carolyn Laliberte, exhibited in South Bay Focus 2011

Here are the posts:

Regarding art, we had four posts. We attended opening night at the Torrance Art Museum's South Bay Focus 2011. Later, we focused upon Olga Lah's sponge sculptures that were among the highlights of the show. The birth date of Edvard Munch was briefly celebrated with a Scream. Then we posted a rare update of our adventures in appreciation of Pacific Standard Time.

For music and dance, we had three posts. First, we celebrated the birth date of Alicia Markova, prima ballerina assoluta. Then we enjoyed the cinematic scores of Nino Rota, to honor his birth date. Finally, Dave Brubeck's birthday gave us an opportunity to enjoy some cool jazz. ;-)

Literature blogging had a brief two post event here at Paideia. We celebrated the anniversary of the publication of the Great American Novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Then we enjoyed an Emily Dickinson fest, to commemorate her date of birth. It's a fine day when I can rave about one of my favorite novels and my favorite poet. Woo hoo!!!

Since our last Weekly Wrap, we had two Friday Flower posts, snapdragons and camellias. Our pop culture spotlight featured Popeye the Sailor. And our advertising focus was on Dr Pepper ads over the decades.

As regards the Holiday Season, we had two posts. We paid a visit to the Banning House to enjoy the Victorian Christmas festival. Later, I wrote about my health difficulties, but accompanied my woes with plenty of seasonal music to encourage holiday cheer.

Well, it wasn't as much as I would have liked, but it was fun nevertheless. We'll see what the upcoming week brings us. For now, here's the weekly weird.

Bluto loses again in Clean Shaven Man (1936). Agagagagah!!!



  1. That's quite a full week, especially when you're not feeling 100%. By the way, I kinda like the Lil' Sister by Carolyn Laliberte.

  2. When I first saw Lil' Sister, I thought it was totally creepy. But I've visited the show a few times and the sculpture started to charm me. There's a weird playfulness about it.
