
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2012 Weekly Wrap #4

The "Vespa scene" from Roman Holiday (1953) starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck

With four "Weekly" Wraps in 38 days, it looks like the weeks are a bit longer in Paideia time than in the real world. ;-)

Well, I'm happy with things. Improved productivity would be great, but I'm in it for the long haul, which means that I ought to go with the flow. Sometimes, I can dish out the posts at a brisk pace, but, as long as I keep a regular output, staying within the writing "comfort zone" will keep things fresh and of reliable quality.

This is especially true since I've started a second blog, Madrona Musings, in support of the Torrance Art Museum. Readers of this blog know that I adore my local museum and frequently post about the exhibitions. It's with great honor and excitement that I can now do so in an official capacity, contributing my writing efforts to promoting the best small museum in the LA area.

As regards the topics since our last Wrap, it has been a fun blend from the whimsical to the horrible, the sublime to the crass. And it is such a random mash of subjects that makes blogging at Paideia so very entertaining.

Detail of Overload (2009) by Conrad Ruiz

Let's look at the ten posts of the week.

We had a post for both of our weekly features. For Friday Flowers, we commemorated Tulipomania along with the poetry of Gertrude Stein. For Spooky Sunday, we looked at some of H.R. Giger's dark artistry.

There were three other art related posts. A visit to Coprogallery turned up a uncannily realistic sculpture of Beavis and Butt-head. We reviewed Helen K. Garber's ghostly works on exhibit in her show "Encaustic Noir" at dnj Gallery. Then, Eric Joyner's adventurous robots caught our imagination, on view in "It's a Jungle Out There" at the Corey Helford Gallery.

Three music posts were featured. First, we celebrated the birth date of my all-time favorite composer, Franz Schubert!!! Then we wished a Happy Birthday to R&B singer Jody Watley. Finally, we put together a group birthday celebration for Axl Rose, Natalie Cole, Bob Marley, and Rick Astley. Fun stuff!!!

Rounding out the topics, we reviewed an exhibition of scooters at the Petersen Automotive Museum, which made for the perfect excuse to look at vintage Vespa commercials from the 1960s.

Finally, as mentioned above, we introduced our new blog, Madrona Musings, for the Torrance Art Museum. Among the posts that readers of Paideia might find of interest is a "spotlight" on the works of Conrad Ruiz and some video art, specifically Adnan Hussain's "Gul (Flower)" which was screened a few weekends back at the museum. Check it out!

And that's the Weekly Wrap.

Dill Hole by Kevin Kirkpatrick, featuring the likenesses of Beavis and Butt-Head


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