
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013 Weekly Wrap #7

Detail of Sunbathe Barbie at Bombay Beach (2009) by Jen Trute

Well, it's been over a month since we last put up one of these Wrap posts. I really ought to drop the "Weekly" qualifier from the title. On the other hand, I've been picking up the pace. Perhaps, we will eventually get back to a rate of production that justifies a weekly wrap.

Of course, the bulk of posts have been "image of the day" types. That's cool with me; it is better to create content and share, than let the front page stay idle. At some point, I do intend to increase the writing, reviewing, and critiquing elements of this blog. I do intend to bring back some videos and musical treats. However, for now, quickie picture posts will do the job.

And who doesn't love the occasional Barbie doll photo-blog? ;-)

Lawrence at the Getty, on a hazy day

So, let's look at the Wrap:

As mentioned above, there were many image posts, ten out of eighteen in total. These included a couple sunsets, the Palos Verdes Promenade at night, views of Los Angeles, the "Pink" Moon, an empty tram at the Getty, a train ride at the South Bay Galleria, Tapwanu masks, views of San Diego, a clocktower at the Farmers Market, and another sunset sky.

Regarding Art, we had three posts. One featured the Richard Jackson exhibit at the Orange County Museum of Art. Another focused on Bad Dog, which was featured at the Jackson exhibition. Then, we looked at a few Alebrijes. Fun stuff!!!

Two holidays were celebrated, Earth Day and Cinco de Mayo. Barbie was our hostess for each. ;-)

Friday Flowers were tulips. We listened to some Native American flute music from R. Carlos Nakai. Finally, we celebrated the thirty year anniversary of Flashdance. Woo hoo!!!

Well, that's it for now. I'm looking forward to sharing more and more interesting images, memories, stories, and thoughts with you all over the next week and beyond. Thanks for reading!!!

Richard Jackson's Bad Dog may have moved on, but he left his mark. ;-)

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