
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weekly Wrap: Wednesday Night #9

On Board by David Thefeld

Another exciting week draws to an end. I didn't get as much writing done as I would have liked. But I finally got an art gallery review posted after a shameful hiatus. I fumbled on Spooky Sunday. This upcoming Sunday looks a bit tightly scheduled as well. Maybe I should turn it into Terror Tuesday. With three missed weekends in a row, I'm thinking about it.

On the positive side, readership here at Paideia is booming. I'm somewhat confused as to what's driving the increased traffic. I've certainly not networked the blog or attempted any type of promotion. Having a large readership isn't a big deal to me, but I appreciate having it. My primary audience is myself, but having others read and enjoy my crazy flights of fancy is oddly affirming. ;-)

Here are my hopes for this upcoming week. I want to get an art gallery review out on Thursday, Saturday, and Monday. That's my old schedule and I think it's a good one. I want to get a Spooky Sunday post, but, if I can't, were moving to Tuesday. And I want to get 14 posts written up by the next Weekly Wrap. I need to stop slacking on production. It really isn't that tough to find a cool image, toss together 300 words, and find a related YouTube vid.

It shall be done!!! LOL!!!

Single Self by Korin Faught on exhibit at the Corey Helford Gallery

Here are the ten posts of the week:

We celebrated a bunch of birth dates and anniversaries, including pop singer Pink, Russian figure skater Irina Rodnina, KFC's Colonel Harland Sanders, and the debut of Scooby Doo, Where Are You!

We had our Friday Flowers and a special celebration of the Harvest Moon.

And we had four art related posts. I went to the Corey Helford Gallery to review Korin Faught's wonderful show "Voices of the Lake". We admired LACMA's netsuke collection. I paid a visit to the Huntington. And finally, we admired the sculpture garden in the Manhattan Beach Civic Plaza.

Good stuff!!!

And now for our weekly weird image.

An image for PETA's" KFC Cruelty" ad campaign


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