
Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012 Weekly Wrap #9

Detail of The Swing (1767) by Jean-Honore Fragonard

Well, it's been a rough week. I would have liked to get a few posts up over the past few days, but distractions piled up, keeping me from hanging out with you all. For instance, this post ought to have been finished up on Tuesday morning. . . I guess it's better late than never. ;-)

Overall, I'm happy with Paideia, but I have a vague anxiousness that there needs to be a change. I keep on intending to start "quickie" posts, maybe a photo, a few sentences, and a vid or two after the jump. Perhaps, I'll start adding those to the rotation. It'll keep the front page fresh and dynamic.

I've also put an end to two Friday Flowers in a single "weekly" Wrap period. It just bugs me when that happens, an annoying pet peeve. Since I'm having a hard time keeping these Wraps on a weekly schedule, I'll have to drop the flowers. Yeah, it's a bummer, but maybe it'll provide incentive to improve my post count.

Anyways, let's look at our twelve posts of the "Weekly" Wrap.

Detail from the cover image of Ray Anthony's Bunny Hop (1952)

Four Art posts were featured. We celebrated the birth dates of the Rococo master, Jean-Honore Fragonard, and two of the High Renaissance giants, Leonardo and Rapheal. Then we offered up a brief look at my Saturday visiting Bergamot Station and the Torrance Art Museum.

Music was showcased in three posts. First, we celebrated Easter with the Bunny Hop. Then, a whimsy post about pirates featured some early music from the Age of Exploration. Finally, we celebrated the birth date of Dusty Springfield. Good stuff!!!

As regards Cinema, we had three related posts. The birth date of Bette Davis was a mandatory celebration here at Paideia. Then we looked on in horror upon a video that showed the awful aging of Lindsay Lohan; very sad. Finally, we went light-hearted with considerations upon the old-fashioned buffoonery of classic episodes of the Three Stooges. Nyuck, nyuck, nuck.

Our Friday Flowers featured African Daisies and the works of Samuel Beckett. Finally, I shared photos of the Blessing of the Animals over at Olvera Street.

At Madrona Musings, it was a busy time with the new exhibition opening in Torrance. We considered the works of Samuel Beckett with a video of Rick Cluchey. We announced the opening of the "Two-Headed Monster" exhibit in Gallery 2. We gave a Sneak Peek of "Between the Knowing" and, then, photos from the Opening Night. It's been fun times at the TAM.

In any case, here's to another exciting week.

Image of the Three Stooges from Disorder in the Court (1936)


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