
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weekly Wrap: Wednesday Night #11

Aldebaran Nao robots dance at the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

Wow! This has been a productive week with fifteen posts on a wide variety of topics. There's no thematic rut that dominated the blog. I hit all my scheduled features, including the rescheduled Terror Tuesday. And I'm over 300 posts for the year!!!

I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. I hope you are as well. ;-)

Is there room for improvement? Yes, but I'm going to enjoy hitting my stride as a blogger for a little while before getting more ambitious with my writing. Once I establish both quality and quantity reliability, we'll try to expand the features of Paideia. It's going to be fun!!!

The Very Best of Julie London

So here are the week's topics:

We covered three art shows. Anne Veraldi's Plastic Rose series is exhibiting at dnj Gallery. Christopher Murphy's Forget That You Were Young is showing at the Lora Schlesinger Gallery. Finally, Tim Yankosky's Measure for Measure is on view at the George Billis Gallery. We also celebrated the birth date of Mark Rothko.

Our music features were not as dominant as in recent weeks but we did deliver on yet another monthly Dance Party of diverse songs from over the last four decades. Moreover, we celebrated the birth dates of the classic torch singer, Julie London, and the iconic "rocker chick" Joan Jett.

Our nature blogging was in full swing this week. Friday Flowers showcased some pretty plumbago. We visited a beautiful begonia show at South Coast Botanical. Finally, we ventured into the Madrona Marsh to admire the flora and fauna.

Terror Tuesday gave us the opportunity to view some funerary sculpture. I'm looking forward to offering some more classic ghost stories over the next month.

We celebrated the arrival of Autumn. Then we took note of National Bluebird of Happiness Day.

After a long hiatus, our review of commercials and ads returned with a look at the Verizon "Arena" ad. You can never go wrong with killer robots. However, dancing robots are more fun. ;-)

And last, we visited an obscure Los Angeles landmark, Rocketship Park. Good stuff!!!

Well, here's hoping that next week is even better than this one. And now it's time for our weekly dose of the weird and absurd.

You Get More Bees with Hammers (2011) by Christopher Murphy


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